Educational Farm

Our farm is a part of the Educational Farms Network of the Province of Ravenna and is intended for interested kindergartens, elementary, middle and adult schools.

For schools

Each path can vary according to the age of children and can be processed in advance with the teacher. An outdoor snack can be consumed on the farm.

For adults

We offer courses of Romagna cuisine and we give the possibility to realise any preparation by hand. It is also possible to taste the products just made.

Proposed educational itineraries

With these itineraries we want to make known the work of the farmer, to value both the cultivations and the rural traditions of our land, Romagna.

Weaving, rediscovering an ancient trade

To appreciate natural fibers such as hemp, cotton and linen, discover their benefit. Know how to use the loom, an instrument that our grandmothers used to weave. Telling the supply chain of hemp, cultivated in our area until the 1950s. And for the little ones: making colored wool dolls or scarecrows with natural materials.


The way of milk

Assist and participate in the processing of curdled milk into cheese and whey in ricotta

Laboratory: Romagna’s traditional cuisine

From the wheat to piadina cooked on clay pot. Roll out the dough on the cutting board by rolling pin. Festive sweets and cookies.

The Agricola Ridolfi

To introduce all the production processes of Romagna PGI nectarines. From flowering to fruit harvesting, warehouse processing and storage. Use of technology in agriculture to make the product of the highest quality possible respecting the environment.

Ask for information on educational courses

Would you like more information on the activities offered by our educational farm?
Call us at 0544/551051 or 338/9779804, or fill out the form, we will be happy to explain.

La tessitura, riscoprire un antico mestiere

Far apprezzare le fibre naturali quali la canapa, il cotone e il lino, scoprirne il loro beneficio. 
Conoscere e saper usare il telaio, strumento che le nostre nonne usavano per tessere.
 Raccontare la filiera della canapa, coltivata nel nostro territorio fino agli anni ’50.
E per i più piccoli: realizzazione di bamboline di lana colorata o spaventapasseri con materiali naturali.

La via del latte

Assistere e partecipare alla trasformazione del latte cagliato in formaggio e del siero in ricotta.

L’acqua, l’agricoltura e il territorio: dalla bonifica… all’irrigazione

Far conoscere l’utilizzo dell’acqua nell’agricoltura moderna. L’utilizzo del pluviometro, calcoli della necessità idrica delle colture. Vari tipi di irrigazione applicabili alle colture.

Laboratorio: la cucina tradizionale Romagnola

Dal grano alla piadina cotta sul testo di terracotta. Le paste sul tagliere tirate al mattarello. I dolci e i biscotti delle feste.

Per tariffe e prenotazioni contattaci telefonicamente ai numeri 0544/551051 o 338/9779804